Utilizing the V.I.P. Package #1 The Muntradamus Experience

Utilizing the V.I.P. Package #1
The Muntradamus Experience
Here is a Testimonial from Garrett R., otherwise known as Scream in the BEAST DOME COMMUNITY:
“First of all, Muntradamus clearly is the most professional sports analysis out there. By means of discussing players and stirring up thoughts one hour before the draft on Skype, Muntradamus spoke punctually to me before the draft even commenced. We discussed matters involving my draft order, which I was consequently picked last out of eight people, yet I was still able to exceed with the most remarkable team. From giving me recommendations to do with my back to back picks, Muntradamus responded with his top picks and asked my thoughts on players as well. Moreover, this live draft allowed me to garner a step up on every other competitor out there; for that reason, Muntradamus additionally offered advice from future articles to come that are not even available yet to the Beast Dome Nation. I highly recommend using this service seeing that M truly cares for each of his VIPs on a even more personal level. Within a couple hours of sending an email on assistance with strategies and thoughts on players, he instantly responded to a plethora of of my questions before the draft even began. I am by far using this service again for the future! Muntradamus is a smart dude whom extremely knows his stuff. No other analysis will offer you better advice. By the way, here is my dream team, even with last pick:
Even more, I won my Fantasy Football League last year, Fantasy Basketball League, and soon to be Fantasy Baseball League with Muntradamus’ help. Beast Dome offers everything to “Win that Championship Together” , but the VIP allows that even more personal experience to interact with Mr. Pro with faster speeds and even more current information right away. Thanks M, you are da bomb.
Kind Regards,
Garrett R.